Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 01/02/22  

Sermon Title :
  What Have You Done for Him Lately?
Praise and Worship          

       Jesus is taking stock of the people and communities that have witnessed and experienced His teachings, His works, and His miracles. He condemns them because they have taken no actions in response to the Lord’s mighty work. There will be mighty negative consequences to all who experience God’s works in their lives, but continue to ignore Him, His work, and holy calling in their personal lives.

Every day we are experiencing the Lord’s goodness. His true teachings and His works are everywhere available to us. Yet, in the face of all of this, many refuse to accept Him and the salvation and blessings that He offers. Still others who say they know Jesus have not moved forward in this experience. Many keep on doing what they were doing before knowing Christ in their lives. Many “so-called believers” choose not to live out their commitment to Christ daily. All of these people will meet the condemnation from the Lord.

With all that the Lord has done for you, what have you done in the Lord and for the Lord lately?