Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 01/03/21  

Sermon Title :
  Jesus Calls Us to Godliness
Praise and Worship          

       The revelations of John 5 are truly powerful and life changing. Jesus through His acts and His teaching proclaims the new government and principles that God is requiring and delivering to His people. As the Holy Spirit leads Him, the words of Jesus are stinging to the hearers at this time in His earthly ministry and today. Jesus notes how the leaders at that time sought to hear John the Baptist as he proclaimed the coming of the Messiah. Now that the Messiah stands before them proclaiming that He is the Son of God, these people do not want to hear Him nor the proclamations that the Father has given to Him for His people. In fact they want to destroy Jesus. Is it because He is the godly light that is showing their ungodly behaviors? As He did then, Jesus is calling us now to a lifetime of repentance, commitment, and actions that serve our Holy Father as Jesus has done. Jesus carries forth God’s purposes and actions through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are required to do the same today through the leading of the Holy Spirit, Who lives within every believer who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord. What is your answer to Jesus’s call to godliness?