Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 01/05/20  

Sermon Title :
   Present Your Vision to God
Praise and Worship          

       With every new year all kinds of people plan new resolutions for all kinds of things. Often within a month the resolutions are forgotten, and people go back o their old behaviors. Do you know that God expects us to have a vision for our lives? Yes, He does, but not the foolish and frivolous resolutions that are so easily forgotten. God expects and directs His people to present our God-inspired visions to God tells us to present our visions to Him. So that He can reprove and correct them. Why? Our vision must be in alignment with God's perfect will and His perfect plan. Everything that we do must be to God's glory. We are His people, His workers, and His disciples to the world. What is your vision in the Lord? Have you presented the vision to the Lord for His reproof?