Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 01/06/19  

Sermon Title :   God’s Promises Kept, Part 3
Praise and Worship          

       One of the most important lessons that believers can learn as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is that God always keeps His promises. We are always confronted with the truth that God Our Father loves us and He has made life changing promises to all of us. God has done and will do all that is in His mighty power to bring all promises to reality. Everything that took place at the holy conception and the birth of our Lord was done by a Mighty and Loving Father. God continues to use His power, His creation and anyone that He wants to bring about His purpose. As we see with the “wise men” after Jesus’s birth, He will even use non-believers to fulfill His promises to His people. Believe all that He says. Trust Him!