Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 01/22/23  

Sermon Title :
  Your Calling as Disciples: Be Like Jesus!
Praise and Worship          

       In the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, the feeding of the 5,000 men is a story that many Christians know. However, what happened before and after, many Christians may not know. Jesus’s actions and directions before and after the feeding are just as important as what happens during the feeding. There are important lessons and directions for those of us who are called to be disciples by Jesus. All who are believers are called to be disciples. We must remember that a disciple is a learner and an imitator of our leader, Jesus Christ. Jesus is teaching all of us through His ministry on earth, how to be like Him and how to carry out His heavenly calling and our heavenly calling here on earth. He lets nothing and no one deter or distract Him from that calling. We must not allow anyone or anything to distract us or deter us from our calling in Jesus Christ. We have the presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit within us to keep us faithful to His calling. Disciples, be like Jesus!