Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 01/30/22  

Sermon Title :
  Responding to Christ!
Praise and Worship          

       Have you ever thought about the many ways that people respond to Jesus Christ? During His earthly ministry, Jesus preached and taught the word of God to all kinds of people. He healed and saved so many people from sin. How did these people respond to this Savior, their Savior? Many sought to serve Him and His disciples, showing their great support and thankfulness. Others actually tried to stop Him and His ministry, thinking that they knew what was best for Jesus. Some of us have such “friends” that do not understand what God has called us to do. They may even treat us as though we are fools. As recipients of God’s grace and blessings, we must move forward in the Holy Spirit to serve Jesus Christ with confidence and commitment to God.