Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 02/02/20  

Sermon Title :
   The Message Is the Same: Repent!
Praise and Worship          

       We are examining the beginning of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist had a major God-given role for the start of the ministry of Jesus Christ. His job was to clear the way for Jesus Christ and the Light, the Truth and the Salvation that Jesus would bring to the whole world. Clearing the way meant that the corrupted Jewish practices and the corrupted priesthood had to be confronted and corrected. The people had not been following God’s laws for a very long time and they had allowed the Roman officials and the corrupted priesthood and temple officials to make a mess of God’s specific directions to His people. This was the political and social “mess” of John’s time and the way had to be cleared and the people had to be reminded of God’s truth and His law. They had to repent of their sinful ways to make way for all that Jesus would bring to them. The same is true today. Repent and make the way clear for Jesus to live in our lives.