Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 02/09/20  

Sermon Title :
   Repent, Know God, and Live in Him!
Praise and Worship          

       As Jesus began His earthly ministry, many of the people of God had lost their way. They had stopped walking in the path that God had given to us. They were doing “their own thing” and pretending that their way was God’s way. They chose and followed leaders that were not chosen and ordained by God. Does this sound like many of us who claim to be God’s people today? In that day, John the Baptist called those lost people to repentance so that they could receive the truth and the gifts from Jesus Christ. Today, many of us are also called to repentance so that we receive the truth, the salvation and gifts that only Christ can give to each of us. So many years have gone by and yet many people still do not choose to know God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They choose to be lost in their own ignorance by choice. Repent, know God, and live in Him!