Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 02/17/19  

Sermon Title :   It Is How You Finish
Praise and Worship          

       James, the servant of God, writes to us as someone who started out as the half brother of Jesus. James was a doubter who did not believe that Jesus was the Christ. It is not until after the resurrection that He believes and accepts Jesus as Savior and Lord. He is a living example of those who are slow to come to Christ and are trapped by the lies of the enemies. The good news is that our Savior waits on us and is faithful in convicting us and embracing us when we do fully turn to Him and give our lives to Him. Leaning on His Spirit, we carry His word and His work to others who need Him like we do. Just like James, we learn that it is not just how you start, but how you finish life's journey in the Lord. We learn in Christ we can count all of life's trials, mistakes and challenges as joy, because we know that will perfect us in Jesus Christ.