Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 02/18/24  

Sermon Title :
  You Are Responsible for Knowing God’s Truth
Praise and Worship          

       God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit hold God’s people responsible for knowing God’s law and His purposes – the desires of God’s heart for His people. We are called to obey God’s laws. Throughout Jesus’ life on earth, He taught us what God’s law required from each of us and He taught us how to fulfill His law. Jesus also showed us how the enemies of God pervert His truth, seeking to trick us into perverting God’s truth into lies and disobedience. God has blessed us with the true records of His Word in the Bible and His actions, delivered to us through His disciples, His teachers, His preachers. All that we must do is seek His truth, read His truth, believe His truth and act in accordance with His truth. Through His Spirit, God will always guide us, and provide for us to His truth. As we study and submit to God, we can always know God’s purpose for our lives. We will always know the path He wants us to take, and you will get comfortable in taking the path that God has given to each of us.