Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 02/19/12  

Sermon Title:  Have You Accessed the Lord Lately?     
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Verses Covered
Ephesians 2:1-19 (Part1) James 1:2-8   (Part2) Matthew 5:6   (Part3)
Romans 5:1-3  (Part1) Romans 8:29  (Part2) Ephesians 2:19  (Part3)
Romans 5:1-5   (Part2) John 16:33  (Part2) John 10:7-16   (Part3)
     Jesus intends for His Church to be a unified and powerful Body with Him as the Head. Paul writes about this happening in
Ephesus. The Church reflected the unity and the power that came when the Jews and Gentiles who submitted to Christ joined
together as the Church. When the Ephesus Church was obedient and accessed God, their unity and power grew, and others
feared them. The problem with the Church today is a lack of power, because there is a lack of unity in Christ. We have too
much of a gap between us and the Holy Spirit. As individual members in the Body of Christ we may also lack unity and power
in our Lord Jesus Christ. We do not really know who we are in Christ because we do not listen and learn through the teachings
and counseling of the Holy Spirit. If we did, we would know to come to God and to access in Him, everything that we need and
desire. How do we access Him, through prayer. We have love, grace, peace, power, patience, strength and so much more when
we access God for these things. He will prepare us to receive them and to use them in His perfect plan for us.

Verses Referenced during the Sermon
   II Corinthians 5:17   (Part1) Revelation 3:7  (Part2) Joshua 2  (Part3)
Matthew 9:17  (Part1) John 1:3   (Part2) II Corinthians 10:4-5  (Part3)
Acts 28:3   (Part1) Job (book)  (Part2) Romans 12:2  (Part3)
Matthew 28:19-20  (Part1) Joshua 4  (Part2) I John 1:9  (Part3)
Luke 23:39-43   (Part2) Genesis 2:19-20 (Part3)