Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 02/19/23  

Sermon Title :
  Being a Disciple Requires Strong Faith
Praise and Worship          

       Jesus calls us to be His disciples, imitating Him and being guided by the Holy Spirit to make disciples who will also imitate Jesus. As we study the ministry of Jesus Christ, we see that His disciples were not always clear about this calling. They, like us, had to learn what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ, understanding that this is our calling in Jesus Christ. Sometimes they were obedient to His call and sometimes they fumbled in their actions and in their faith. Jesus expects us to walk and to live in strong faith in Him, the Father and the Holy Spirit. If we are stumbling in this regard, we must seek the reason why, repent, and turn to Him, trusting Jesus always. As Disciples, we are required to grow strong in our faith in the Lord, so that we can faithfully carry out His call.