Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 03/13/22  

Sermon Title :
  In the Holy Spirit, Do We Testify for God’s Power and Work?
Praise and Worship          

       The sermon today examines Matthew 12:38. Many people have been following Jesus in His earthly ministry. They have witnessed His teachings and His miraculous works. The Pharisees and Sadducees are among these witnesses. They even question Jesus and make accusations about by Whom He performs such miracles. However, in the face of all this evidence that they have directly witnessed, they ask Jesus for we wish to see a sign from Him to prove Who He is and by Whom He is sent.

To many of us, the Pharisees’ inquiries seem foolish, but for many of us who say that we are believers in Jesus Christ, their questions may be have been raised by us. For some of us, no matter how much God has done for us day by day, moment by moment, there is questioning of His presence and His work in our lives and in the world. How can this happen among believers when we have the Holy Spirit in us? How can this be? Is it possible that some of us are denying the presence and the working of God the Father, Jesus our Lord, and the convicting and comforting presence of the Holy Spirit? If this is true, are some of us living lives before others and God that are not praise-worthy? Are we poor witnesses to others for the work of the Holy Spirit?