Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 03/19/23  

Sermon Title :
  The Bread of Life
Praise and Worship          

       Over the ages, in so many cultures and nations, bread is considered the center of life, even today. The bread may come in so many different forms and flavors, but often is central to survival in many cultures. When Jesus tells us that He is the Bread of Life, what does He mean?

       These people have been following Him and observing Him performing miracles and feeding the multitudes. They are now wanting the powers that He demonstrates to make themselves powerful. Jesus, however, tells them that He has greater spiritual gifts and powers to give them. Jesus tells them that He is the Bread of Life sent to them by their Heavenly Father! Instead, these people then and many now, reject this wonderful spiritual gift. What are they giving up? Spiritual peace, joy, the love of God, and Eternity with God!!