Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 04/04/21  

Sermon Title :
  If You Are Blessed, You Must Be His Salt!
Praise and Worship          

       Just imagine that a beautifully prepared meal is placed before you. You are truly hungry, and this meal has all of your favorite foods! You are anticipating how good and how great this food taste. You raise the fork to your mouth for the very first bite. Oh no! This is especially disappointing because the food has very little flavor. The food is bland! Tasteless! It is especially missing the salt which should have been added to the food to enhance its flavor. How disappointing that experience is!

We must come to understand that when Jesus blesses each of us and tells us to be exceedingly glad even in the face of persecution, He also reminds us that we have a job to do for Him. He calls us to be the salt of the earth! Through each of us as believers in Christ and children of God, many will come to believe in Jesus, experience Him and taste of His goodness, because we are the salt of the earth. When we do not do as He commands us, we do not walk in His way and we do not bear testimony of His goodness and His grace, we lose our flavor, we lose our savor. We are no good to Him, we are of no good to the people we interact with, nor are we good to ourselves. We have nothing to offer of His goodness! We must be His salt!