Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 04/09/23  

Sermon Title :
  Jesus, Our Bread for Life and Eternity
Praise and Worship          

       Jesus continues His teachings with the people who have been following Him. Many of these people are seeking His power - not the power to be saved from sin, but the powers that have been demonstrated by the Son of God. Many of them did not want the salvation from sin and blessings that only Jesus can give, they wanted to have the power and control to impact and enrich their own lives.

       Jesus is telling these people, and He is telling us, that He is the Bread of life that the Father has sent to earth for our salvation. Jesus is the living substance that Father God has sent to us from heaven for the lost, then and now. Jesus has everything that we need for salvation and for all of life. What can we do for ourselves and our lives that can be better than what Jesus offers as the Bread of Life? Jesus is the all-sustaining nourishment for us spiritually, physically, intellectually, in all things here and into eternity!