Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 04/14/19  

Sermon Title :   What Do the Money Changers Have to Do with Me?
Praise and Worship          

       When Jesus beat the money changers out of the temple on two occasions, what was He doing? These were Jewish money changers who were supported by the priests, who placed themselves in the way of those who wanted to enter the Temple. The Jewish people who wanted to enter the temple were there to honor God’s requirements for forgiveness of their sins. They brought their sacrifices for the priests to offer their sacrifices to God for the forgiveness of their sins, so that they could be cleansed from their sins to renew their relationship with God. The money changers cheated these people by denying there sacrifices as unacceptable and many them buy new more expensive sacrifices. If people were told that their sacrifices were unacceptable, they would have leave without their forgiveness of and cleansing from their sins by God. The money changers with the support of the priests were keeping the people from having their sins forgiven and from having their relationships with God renewed. Today, we have the temple of God in us. We have opportunities to share the message of Jesus Christ and help people come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Are we doing that with the people who are weighed down by sin. Or are we like the moneychangers blocking the way of those who are seeking the salvation and cleansing that only Jesus can give. If we block others from knowing Jesus in the salvation from sin, Jesus will have none of that and Jesus will have none of you!