Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 04/16/17  

Sermon Title: The Resurrection Brings the Light
Praise and Worship          
Sermon part 1                
Sermon part 2                
Sermon part 3                
Verses Covered
Matthew 27:57-66   (Part1) Matthew 28:1-15   (Part1) Matthew 28:2-13   (Part3)
  John 17:15-21   (Part2)  

       So many people are fearful of so many things. For some, their fears are actually disabling. These people do not know
which way to turn nor where to go with their lives. Thankfully those of us who are in Jesus Christ have nothing to fear. One
 of the greatest testimonies of Jesus Christ is that He is the Light of the world and in His crucifixion and His resurrection He
brings the Light into this world for all who believe in Him. Because Jesus knows all and He sees all, He covers each person who
submits to Him with this same light. We who are in Christ have no need to fear anything, because Jesus conquers the darkness
of this world. With His Light nothing is hidden from us. We do not worry about anything or anyone sneaking up on us, because
we are covered by the Light of the world. Jesus also prayed to Our Father to “keep us from the evil one.” He is keeping us in
the Light of the world!
Verses Referenced during the Sermon