Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 04/17/22  

Sermon Title :
   The Sowing of God’s Word
Praise and Worship          

       Jesus in His earthly ministry brings God’s word to all people. Jesus is met with resistance and insults from the leaders of that time and from those who choose not to hear the truth. Jesus then begins to deliver God’s truth through parables. He tells the people, “Let those who have ears, let them hear.” We must hear God’s word with not only physical ears, but with our spiritual ears. His words are as precious seeds that can yield great fruit or not in us. All depends on our hearing of His words, the type of soil that we will be. This is how we grow in God’s word and His grace and yield His holy fruit. This happens only through the hearing of His holy words and through the work of the Holy Spirit.