Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 04/21/19  

Sermon Title :   What Does Our Savior’s Resurrection Mean to Each of Us?
Praise and Worship          

       Each year we celebrate the great sacrifice God made for each of us through the suffering, death and resurrection of His precious only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. What does the sacrifice mean to you? What does His resurrection mean to you? Jesus had disciples who were overcome with the grief and horror of His death, His crucifixion. There they were at Jerusalem hiding and fearful, not remembering or focusing on what He taught them; what He promised them and what He promised us. Through His resurrection from the dead, He overcame all sin, all evil, and all death! Jesus gave us new life and freedom in Him. What are you doing with it? Are you like the disciples not acknowledging your new life? Walking around fearful and miserable? Is your new freedom to be all that you can be in Christ? Are you experiencing the love, the joy and the peace that only the Lord has given to each of us? Just what does the resurrection of our Lord and Savior mean to you and what are you doing with all that His has given to us?