Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 04/28/19  

Sermon Title :   In Trials, Focus on God’s Love and Faithfulness
Praise and Worship          

       So often those of us in Christ, look at trials and temptations the wrong way. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has already told us that trials and temptations are common to all believers. He also has taught us that our God is faithful and true to all that He has said to us and all that He has promised us. The bottom line is that as believers, with the Lord’s help, we will overcome all trials and temptations. But some of us lack understanding of His word and lack faith in Him. So we wallow in self-pity and fear instead of calling on the Lord. We do not pay attention to what God is teaching us; instead we panic, or get angry, or just fall apart! Is that your testimony before our loving and faithful God? Or do we stand strong in the trials and temptations calling on the Name of God, faithful in Him, knowing that He is preparing us for something great in Him? We must stand strong in the face of life’s many battles knowing that God does not mean any evil towards us. He only wants to bless you, love you, and bring you to Him in all victories over trials in this life!