Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 05/07/23  

Sermon Title :
  Resist False Teaching, Embrace the Word of God!
Praise and Worship          

       So many people today, who are believers in Christ, have subjected themselves to leaders and influencers who pretend to be voices of authority. Many of us fall for their dictates and false truths, allowing them to rob us of God’s truth. This has been happening throughout time. These voices of authority do not follow God’s word; nor do they want others to follow God’s word. They want others to follow their false beliefs, dictates and teachings by twisting and even eliminating God’s true word. These evil people falsely accuse true believers who do follow God’s word as corrupt and false teachers. These are the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the scribes of times past, making their presence and teachings known and the law of the day, then and now. We must recognize and stand against these false teachers and leaders now, as Jesus did during His earthly ministry. So many people are saved and freed from foolish dictates through the truth and power of God’s true word.