Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 05/12/19  

Sermon Title :   The Godly Mother Yields to God’s Plan
Praise and Worship          

       How many parents who seek God’s perfect will would be willing to give up their child for the Lord’s plan? Mothers, after carrying a son to full-term and delivering the joy of your life, could you let go of him for God’s glory?

       This was the decision that the mother of Moses had to make. Clearly following God’s direction, she places her son in an ark in the river, in a place where her son would be found by Pharaoh’s daughter. This mother following God’s direction also directs her own daughter standing by as God directed her so that His plan would be fulfilled for Moses to be adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter, but also included his own mother as the source of his sustenance and his spiritual education. By giving up her son, this mother prepares him for God’s important plan for him to lead God’s people.

       Oftentimes God asks us to do things that others may see as unusual or extreme. It is important that we grow in our relationship in the Lord so that we know Him and His plan for our lives and for our loved ones. Obediently yielding to God and His directions is what makes us godly parents.