Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 05/20/18  

Sermon Title : What Must You Do?
Praise and Worship          
Scriptural Verses
Colossians 1:6 - 10  

         What can the body of Christ do to protect itself from those who seek to destroy our message and our walk according to God’s Word? As Paul addresses this threat among those in the church at Colossae and we must learn from this, because the same threats exist for Christians today. There are many overt and covert threats attempting to derail you and even destroy you and the body of Christ. Why? Because the Lord has specific work for us to do. The Lord has called us to change the world by going into all the world to deliver and teach the word of God. This is a powerful mission and there are many enemies who want to stop it by polluting the body with false teaching and deadly leadership. What must you do to protect yourself and the church?