Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 05/30/21  

Sermon Title :
  We Must See and Live by God’s Perspective
Praise and Worship          

       Today, we continue studying the teachings of Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry. How important it is to examine and apply His teachings, because He is indeed speaking to us today as He spoke to the people of that time. His teachings intend to set a holy mindset in each of His believers. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our Father expects each of us to change and grow spiritually in order to be the people He designed us to be as we are led by His Holy Spirit. Everything we think, do and say, how we live as individuals, and how we treat others must change. We must grow to be exactly what God designed us to be in Him. We can only attain our true positions in Jesus Christ through our following and reliance on the Holy Spirit in all things. We cannot rely on ourselves or on any other persons, or any other gods. As believers in Jesus Christ, we must remove all evil and contamination from our lives, by following the Lord’s directions and trusting in and following the Holy Spirit.