Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 06/02/19  

Sermon Title :   Are You Hearers and Doers of God’s Word?
Praise and Worship          

       We are called by God to live our faith so that many others will come to know God. Jesus commanded us to go into all of the world teaching them the words of Jesus Christ. Not only are we directed to do what Jesus tells us in His Word, but His word is engrafted in us. That means that we are actually the walking and talking living word of Jesus Christ. We are not only hearers of God’s word, but we are also doers of God’s word.

       What does it mean that some believers actually discriminate against and mistreat other believers in Christ based on how they look and how they dress? Does this mean that those in the body of Christ behaving in such discriminatory ways are not true believers? They may be hearers of the word, but they are certainly not doers of the word of God.