Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 06/06/21  

Sermon Title :
  What It Takes to Honor God
Praise and Worship          

       As children of God, we must always honor, worship and value God the Father, God the Son and God, the Holy Spirit. We say that we do and many of us strive daily and moment to moment to honor God. Jesus in His teachings closely examine our real behaviors. Many of our actions toward each other actually dishonor God. The ways in which we treat others can be and often are dishonoring to others, ourselves and dishonoring to God. Jesus emphasizes this in His teachings about the importance of our words. Some of us are not careful and prayerful about our spoken or written words and can do great harm to our brothers and sisters. Every person is a creation of our Father. Whenever we lie to another person or speak hurtful and or untruthful words from our mouths to others, we dishonor God’s creation, we dishonor ourselves and we dishonor God. Jesus teaches us all that we need to know about living in Christ and honoring our Father in thoughts, words and deeds.