Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 6/12/11  

Sermon Title:  Jesus Says Come!
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Verses Covered
Matthew 11:28-29  (Part1) Romans 12:1 (Part2) Matthew 11:29-30  (Part3)
Hebrews 10:25  (Part1) Romans 12:1-2  (Part3) Isaiah 54:13  (Part3)
1 Kings 3:3-11 (Part2) Romans 5:2-5  (Part3)  
     Come to Jesus; there are no qualifiers. Did you know that God wants us, His children, to be whole? He wants us to be all
that He created us to be, for His glory. He wants us to have all that He has created for each of us. When Christ tells us to
“Come” unto Him He wants us to come to Him for real! He wants us to come and receive the wonderful things that He has
for us. So, why don’t we do as He asks of us? Why don’t we accept the love, the rest, the peace, the joy, the provisions
that only He can supply to us. Why do we go looking for something different. Why do we ignore Him? Why do we hide from
Him? Why do we play worthless games with Him? Do we know Who He is? Do we want the wholeness and holiness that only
He can give? So many questions, but what are your answers? What will you do?
Jesus says come!

Verses Referenced during the Sermon
Book of Daniel  (Part1) Exodus 3:1-6    (Part3) Hebrews 11  (Part3)
Hebrews 11:6  (Part1) Numbers 22:21-33  (Part3)  
Matthew 28:20  (Part2) Matthew 11:28  (Part3)  
2 Corinthians 5:17   (Part2) Genesis 1:1-31   (Part3)