Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 06/16/19  

Sermon Title :   The Godly Father
Praise and Worship          

       As we examine the father of the prodigal son, we see a son who received wise teaching in his early years. Just like many of us, he received godly teaching in his father’s household, and then lost his way. He made bad decisions and ended up in a pig sty. The great thing is that he came to himself and remembered his father and went home. When he arrives home he finds his loving father waiting to greet him. As his father celebrates his son’s return, the eldest son responds with anger and resentment related to his brother’s return. The brother who had access to everything that his father had, resented his brother’s repentance and return.

       Our heavenly Father stands ready to forgive us even when we have rejected Him and His kingdom. When we come to our senses and repent from our sins, He stands always ready to accept each of us with great celebrations in heaven! We most certainly will celebrate for every brother and sister that comes to our heavenly Father. Every father is called to teach and train every child to know God’s principles and love, so that if and when they stray away, they will come back to their heavenly Father in forgiveness and repentance.