Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 06/27/21  

Sermon Title :
  In Our Father, We Are Perfect!
Praise and Worship          

       We have spent a blessed amount of time reading, studying, and examining the work and teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5. Hopefully, we are applying these teachings of Jesus. We must understand that as Jesus spoke to and taught the people then in His early days of His earthly ministry, He is also speaking to each of us today. Like the people then who sought Him for healing and salvation from sin, we seek Him now with those same needs. When we truly come to Jesus, He cleanses us and saves us from sin, giving us a true gift and opportunity to live in God through His Holy Spirit. Throughout His gospel message He is introducing us to this blessed relationship that we now have in our heavenly Father. Jesus is teaching us how to fully live in and for our Father. Jesus tells us that when we develop this new life in God, as He is teaching us to do, we are prefect as our Father is perfect.