(Part1) |
Matthew 7:15 (Part2) |
Ephesians 4:14
(Part2) |
Ephesians 4:15-16
(Part3) |
Romans 16:17
(Part2) |
1 Corinthians
11:23-32 (Part3) |
We have much to apologize for! We apologize to God
for not being the saints and the Church that God calls
for us to be.
We apologize to those that we have driven from the
Church because we failed to do what God calls us to do.
How many of us
who say that we are Christians fail to be Christ-like?
Jesus Christ came to earth to seek and to save those who
are lost. To
be Christian is to be Christ–like. So our mission is
also to seek and to save those who are lost. Are you
fulfilling that mission?
Or are you sitting back, questioning why the church is
not growing or serving the people? Do you expect the
apostles, the
evangelist, the prophets and the pastors to grow the
Church? If you do, you are very much mistaken. Their
jobs are to prepare
you for the work of building the Church, the Body of
Christ. The work of growing God’s church is the work of
the saints, the
believers. Ephesians 4:11-16 is very clear about this
matter. So, if you are wondering why the church is not
growing and is not
fulfilling God’s plan for the Body of Christ, then take
a long hard look in the mirror. Is the problem you? Are
you not fulfilling your
calling to seek and to save those who are lost?