Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 07/14/19  

Sermon Title :  Faith by Works
Praise and Worship          

       God’s word is our history for all of creation and specifically for all believers who call ourselves His children. Last week, we examined the faith of Abraham, his faith that produced works that glorify God. Today, we examine the working faith of Rahab. Rahab hears about Israel and their powerful God and she believes. She believes that God and His people will be victorious over Jericho. Her belief puts into action faith that saves her family and household. Rahab is an example to us of those who trust God and act on the faith that God gives to us. God is not a respecter of persons; He wants people who are willing to trust Him and put their faith to work for His glory. Put your faith to work!
                                                    It is required by God.