Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 07/19/20  

Sermon Title :
  Amazing Revelations and Teaching at the Well
Praise and Worship          

       Jesus and the woman at the well are experiencing a divine appointment that the Father has directed. She realizes that this man that she is talking to must have divine powers, because He knows all about her, even the things that she has not told Him. Could he be a prophet? She tells Him of the coming Messiah and then He reveals to her the truth of Who He is. Jesus tells her that He is the Messiah! Can you even begin to know the joy and excitement that she experiences? This is a woman that is not highly regarded by others in Sychar, that is why she comes to the well when no one else is at the well. Little did she know that this day she would meet the One Who could give her the Living Water. What will she do with all that she is learning and experiencing with Jesus, the Messiah?

       The disciples appear at the well after their time in the town shopping for food. They want the Master to eat. They wonder why He has spent time talking to this Samaritan woman. Remember, they are Jews and many Jews believed that the Samaritans were unclean. Why would Jesus be talking to her? They must now learn and do what Jesus expects of them and all of His disciples, even us.