Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 08/02/20  

Sermon Title :
  Overcoming Worldly Barriers! Get God’s Work Done!
Praise and Worship          

       We are living in very crucial times as Christians. The times were crucial when Jesus began His early ministry too. There were some similar difficulties during His earthly walk that we see today. When Jesus visited Samaria there were divisions, prejudices, and mistrust among people, just as there are today. Jesus firmly moved against such divisions, because they are not of God. Jesus right there at the well in Samaria teaches His disciples how to see people and then meet their needs. He never regards the color of our skin, but instead He regards the conditions of our souls. Jesus takes all prejudices down. This has always been true, right up to and including today. The harvest for the Lord is great and comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and cultures. People are truly craving the Lord and His truth. We must be ready and prepared for the Lord’s work. God is always at work, so do what God calls you to do.