Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 08/09/20  

Sermon Title :
  Do You See The Difference between Words and Actions?
Praise and Worship          

       Jesus and His disciples leave Samaria and are now going into Galilee. The disciples have learned much in Samaria, where so many Samaritans came to Jesus, first by hearing the testimony of the woman at the well who believed that she had met the Messiah. These people did not just accept her word they wanted to know Jesus, the Messiah for themselves. They heard the words of Jesus for themselves and believed. The disciples learned what it meant to be sowers and gathers of the harvest of souls as people seek and accept the word of the Lord.

Now they have entered Galilee, Jesus’s hometown. Jesus warns His disciples that He will not be honored in Galilee. Yet there were Galileans who had been in Jerusalem during the Passover and saw His work there. They had seen Jesus overturn the tables of the money changers in the temple and whip them out of the temple. These Galileans were excited over what they saw Jesus do, but they had not heard the message that Jesus had delivered. Jesus was something of a “rock star” to these Galileans! What will they do when they actually hear His message? Will they accept His message as the Samaritans did?