Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 08/11/19  

Sermon Title :   Watch/Control Your Tongue
Praise and Worship          

       The disciple James reminds those of us in the Body of Christ, the church, that we have a very dangerous possession in every member. It is the tongue, a very small part of our individual bodies. It is given to us by God, but like so many things that He has given to us, we can choose to use the tongue to God’s glory, or we can personally use it to destroy His perfect work and His children. James warns all of us in the body of Christ that we must never use our tongues to harm or destroy our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. It is too easy for some of us to “speak our minds” or to “give a piece of our minds others” that greatly wounds members of the body of Christ. Those in the body of Christ who do such things bring great harm to God’s children. They can expect consequences and correction from the Lord. Watch/Control Your Tongue!