Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 08/19/12  

Sermon Title: Our Conduct, Our Inheritance in God    
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Verses Covered
Ephesians 5:1-7  (Part1) Matthew 12:23  (Part2) Ephesians 5:6-7    (Part3)
1 John 4:1-3 (Part1) Luke 6:44 (Part2) Matthew 18:6  (Part3)
1 John 4:1-3 & 6  (Part2) Luke 13:6-9   (Part2) Matthew 6:14-15  (Part3)
Matthew 12:33   (Part2) Ephesians 5:6    (Part3) Proverbs 13-20   (Part3)

     The Apostle Paul speaks extensively about our conduct and behavior as believers in Christ. We do not have to be “changed”
in our behavior before we come to Christ. However, when we accept Christ as our Savior and Lord, then our behavior changes
as we come to a right relationship with God. The sinful things that we used to do must be put away from us in Christ. We are
in the process of becoming perfect in godliness and righteousness. We change inwardly in our behavior in the family of God and
as we move through this world. Our conduct must be confident and consistent before God, within His family of believers, and
before those in the world. We cannot compromise, because our behavior will lead others to a saving relationship with Jesus

     God requires us not to submit to false teachers and false prophets with their deceitful words. We must test the spirits of
all who seek to influence us, so that we are not misled and so that we stand strong in the Lord and His word. Remember, we
have an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God, that is dependent on our conduct.
Verses Referenced during the Sermon
Ephesians chapters 1-4 (Part1) Matthew 28:20  (Part2) John 5:6   (Part3)
Matthew 16:19  (Part1) Deuteronomy 32:35  (Part2) Matthew 5:13-16    (Part3)
Matthew 7:11   (Part1) Ephesians 6:11   (Part3)
Job 1 (Part2) 1 Samuel 26   (Part3)  
1 John 1:9   (Part3)