Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 08/23/20  

Sermon Title :
  Trust the Word of Jesus
Praise and Worship          

       We have been studying the events in the earthly ministry of Jesus. In Galilee a nobleman has traveled from a far distance to ask Jesus to come to his home and heal is dying son. Jesus chastises those who only believe when there are sights and wonders that they can see. Then He tells the nobleman that his son lives and to go his way. The nobleman believes Jesus’s word and goes on his journey home to see his living son. This account of the second miracle in Galilee by Jesus emphasizes the power in the word of Jesus and the power of belief in the word of Jesus Christ. The nobleman’s faith in what Jesus tells him and his unconditional belief in the word of Jesus in his actions is confirmed through his servants who have come looking for him with good news. The nobleman’s faith in the word of Jesus leads to His whole household becoming believers in Jesus Christ.

Through this event we learn that the belief in Jesus’s word has great power that goes beyond our ability to “see.” We know that there is power in His word and we can trust His word. He will do whatever He has said He will do. The word of our Lord will change and move the lives of His believers. Trust Him in all things!