Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 08/25/19  

Sermon Title :
   Our Words and Our Actions in the Body of Christ
Praise and Worship          

       We have learned the importance of controlling our tongues in the Body of Jesus Christ. Our tongues, the words we speak, can bless those in the Body of Christ or we can choose to use our tongues to damage or curse those who we should be loving in Jesus Christ. If we can recognize the importance to the words that come out of our mouths, then we must also understand the importance of our behaviors toward those in the Church.

       Our behaviors toward each other in the Church is directed by the God Who lives in us. If we are listening to Him and being obedient to His Spirit, then we are supporting each other and helping each other to grow. But there are those in the Church who purposely are disobedient to God and actually behave in ways to discourage and hurt others in the Church. What does God have to say to these people in His Church? James 3 is very clear in what and how our Father instructs us who are in His Body.