Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 08/26/18  

Sermon Title :   The Choice: Eternal Life or Eternal Damnation
Praise and Worship          

       Overtime and often God warns His people about straying away from Him and worshipping other gods and participating in evil practices. Those who do such things receive His punishment and those who turn to God, those who remain loyal to God and are obedient to God are blessed. The choice has always been between disobeying God and reaping hell or being obedient to God and reaping blessings and eternity. The choice is clear; so why would anyone disobey God? The enemy knows these truths too and tries to block and destroy people’s relationship with God. The enemy especially wants to destroy the Body of Christ and the promises that can only come with our obedience and righteous living in Jesus Christ. What must be our choice? Eternal life in the Lord or eternal damnation?