Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 09/18/22  

Sermon Title :
  The Power Given to Us by Jesus
Praise and Worship          

       Too many Christians are timid in their walk with Jesus Christ. They never really understand the power that Jesus gives us in our walk with Him. Jesus gives us power to reach out to others and to lead them to God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As we learn to have our being in the Father and Jesus, we open ourselves to the true direction and leading of the Holy Spirit. This leading by God enables us to perform the same actions as Jesus and His disciples performed with the many seekers and hurting people that they encountered during Jesus’ earthly ministry. There are so many people who are lost and hurting now, who need our godly actions and helps now. We have the power and authority to heal and minister to them, to cast out demons as Jesus has given to us and as the Holy Spirit directs us. Power is given to us by God through Jesus Christ to do His perfect and holy will. Let us not be timid in our godly walk!!