Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 09/29/19  

Sermon Title :
   Wrong Behaviors in Christians Cause Damage
Praise and Worship          

       God warns those who claim to be Christians that it is arrogance for us to make personal plans of any kind without His permission. There are those in the Body of Christ who forget that all of us are to be witnesses before others in the Church and in the world. We must never forget that we represent God always! There are those who claim to be Christians, but do not acknowledge the power of God in our lives. We go about our own business, planning to do this or that without prayer to our Lord asking for His permission and direction in all things and then following His directions in answer to our prayers. When we try to go it alone, under our own power, instead of under God’s power, we will make many mistakes, hurting many others, and causing much damage. Moving on our own wisdom and strength without God, we can only cause evil and not good.