Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 09/30/18  

Sermon Title :   Let Go of Our Past and Hold on to Christ
Praise and Worship          

       As we study Paul’s teachings to the Colossians, we recognize that the body of Christ in Colossae is very much like the body of Christ today. Members of the body of Christ come from all different backgrounds, racial groups, ethnic groups and cultures. Some were aristocrats, some were slaves and slave owners, some were the learned, some were uneducated, and some were barbarians. All who choose Jesus Christ must let go of their backgrounds and former beliefs and come to their new lives and lifestyles in Jesus Christ. In Christ, our God is personal for every member in the body of Christ, knowing exactly what we need. We are called by Christ to let go of the past, get rid of the evil that ruled us and who we were without the Lord. When we do so, we are able to come to Christ humbly and freely accept all that He has for us.