Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 10/04/20  

Sermon Title :
  Answering Jesus’s Call to Each of Us
Praise and Worship          

       When Jesus called you to walk with Him, to serve Him and to love Him, how did you respond? How do you respond today? Is your response like that of His first disciples? We are learning how Andrew, Philip, Nathaniel and Simon Peter responded to this man that they had not known before. Clearly, there was something very special about Jesus that caught and commanded their attention, as He approached each of them and spoke to them through the Holy Spirit. As He spoke directly into their lives, they left everything behind to go and to follow Him.

As Jesus calls each one of us to Him through the Holy Spirit, how do we respond? Does His presence cause you to leave the earthly desires and concerns behind and follow Him wholeheartedly? After all, Jesus is our Savior and our Lord. What does He require of each of us? How are we answering His call?