Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 10/08/23  

Sermon Title :
  You and the Kingdom of God
Praise and Worship          

       Our Father in Heaven has been promising from the beginning of creation that He has a plan for His people a “kingdom of God.” Throughout His word, the Old Testament and New Testament, God describes for us His Kingdom and our role and lives in His kingdom. Many people are only familiar with “the place” that we go when we leave this earth; but what do we know about the eternal Kingdom of God that He prepares for His believers, ruled by Jesus Christ as king, and will exist as a kingdom forever in God’s presence. It is so important that the Father and Jesus have continually encouraged all believers to study in scripture, being led by the Holy Spirit. So, what do you know about who you are and who you will be in the kingdom of God? What is required of you now?