Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 10/25/20  

Sermon Title :
  Jesus Can Do All Things
Praise and Worship          

       We continue to observe this wonderful experience with Jesus being led by the Holy Spirit and teaching in the midst of so many people who have come to hear His words. In the midst of this packed assembly of all kinds of people, including the Jewish leaders, Jesus heals the paralytic who has just been lowered through the roof of the home to hear Jesus and be healed. Imagine the faith he had! Jesus tells the man that his sins have been forgiven. The man is healed! The leaders are shocked and horrified among themselves that Jesus should say that the man’s sins have been forgiven. In other words, who does he think that he is? They think that He is guilty of blasphemy. Jesus perceives their questions and what is in their hearts. He answers them, informing them Who He is, as we again observe all that Jesus is and all that He does for those who love Him.