Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 10/31/21  

Sermon Title :
  Check Yourself in the Holy Spirit
Praise and Worship          

       In Matthew 5, 6, and 7, we continue to see how Jesus saved those who sought Him for salvation and healing in His earthly ministry and taught them how to live and carry out His ministry in the Holy Spirit. Jesus warns us that we must always evaluate our actions and our lives through the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be sure that we truly are living in Christ and doing all that He calls us to do. Jesus clearly warns us that there are many people you falsely portray themselves as His followers and they say that they are doing all that He wants them to do. Jesus says that He never knew them. How devastating would it be for any of us to come before the Lord “ thinking” that we have done the Lord’s will and find out that we were not obedient to Him and lived lives that were not guided by the indwelling Holy Spirit? To have Jesus say that He never knew us means that we will not enter the kingdom of heaven. We must always examine ourselves to be sure that all that we do is guided by our faith in Jesus Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit in obedience to God our Father. God’s direction for us and the evaluation of all our work and attitudes can always be done by evaluating yourself and your actions in the Holy Spirit. Check yourself always!