Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 11/03/24  

Sermon Title :
  Jesus Tells Us Who He Is and Who We are In Him
Praise and Worship          

       Often when believers share our love and experiences in Jesus, we are met with so many questions about Him. Often, we experience many questions about Who Jesus is. How do we respond to these questions? We are so blessed that we have the Bible, God’s Word, to help us answer questions about Him, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. Through the Bible Jesus tells us exactly Who He is. As we are examining and studying John 10, Jesus tells us exactly Who He is! How blessed we are in Jesus Christ! Jesus tells us how He takes care of us and who we are in Him. Yet there are those who choose not to hear Him and falsely accuse Him of being evil. We must be faithful in sharing Jesus’ truth with all who can hear His truth and even with those will not hear the truth.