Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 11/04/18  

Sermon Title :   Producing Godly Children
Praise and Worship          

        Generally, Christian parents want children who are respectful and love them and love the Lord. Many parents mistakenly think that these outcomes are “luck.” Since “luck” is something that Christians do not accept as real in our experience in the Lord, we must look deeper into this issue. As is usual, God tells us how to produce children and raise them to honor their parents and honor God in His holy word. First, God’s holy word directs husbands to love their wives and wives to respect their husbands. This is the foundation for a godly family into which we will bring children. Since children most often repeat what they see and learn from their parents, a godly environment of parents who are obedient to God will result in children who are loving and obedient to their parents and to God. In families with a single parent the same requirements are true, but your partner is God in raising godly children.