Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 11/06/22  

Sermon Title :
  What Is the Problem? Christ Is the Answer!
Praise and Worship          

       What are the things that cause many professed believers in Christ, not to step out on faith to be disciples for Jesus Christ? Does every believer accept the call of our Lord and Savior into discipleship?

       Unfortunately, not everyone who believes that he or she is a believer in Jesus Christ accepts the required call to discipleship. Many do not even know that this call is a requirement and not an option. Others are afraid of how other people and loved ones will respond to their changed lives and walk in Jesus Christ and His call to discipleship. Jesus warns us what we can expect when we obey Him, submit to Him, fulfilling His call to discipleship. There will be many attacks and challenges to His disciples. Jesus assures us that God will be with us in every situation. Are you answering the Lord’s call to making disciples? What can be your problem that keeps you from discipleship? Trusting and obeying God is the answer!